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GABRIELLA VOLPE loves the conversations that parents bring in response to her articles. However, in order to ensure the respect of all users, please find below GABRIELLA VOLPE’s commenting policy.
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You must be 18 years old and over in order to comment. Children under the age of 18 are prohibited from using the Site.
The blog posts are meant to help home educating parents in general. GABRIELLA VOLPE will reply to questions that are relevant and useful to all readers. If you wish to receive specific and personalized assistance, you will find that an individual consultation will be of great value to you.
GABRIELLA VOLPE welcomes discussion, even if you disagree with her. However, whether responding to Gabriella or any other commenter, please exercise respect. This site is meant as a support for families. There is nothing to gain if you choose to verbally attack another parent.
GABRIELLA VOLPE reserves the right to delete your comments. While she respects and welcomes varying opinions, Gabriella Volpe is the owner of this website and will delete any comments that fall under one or more of these categories:
You retain ownership of your comments. GABRIELLA VOLPE disclaims any liability that may result from your comments/posting.
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You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this Site and this Policy periodically and to be aware of any modifications. GABRIELLA VOLPE will notify you of any changes to this Commenting Policy by posting those changes on this page.
If you have questions about this Commenting Policy, please email Gabriella Volpe at gabriellavolpeconsulting [at]
Updated: September 2020