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This article is part of the 31 Days of Pinterest Hacks series. Find the main page for this series here.
A part of school life includes cutting and pasting. From art activities to cutting up fractions, being able to cut and paste is a skill required to complete them. However, a physically disabled child may never get to découpage because they need support holding a pair of scissors and would rather taste glue than stick two things together.
You can find scissors and glue skills practice on Pinterest.
A child must be able to cut and paste to complete many of the craft ideas on Pinterest.
Here are a variety of scissors. Try everything from the standard to the adapted kinds to find the right match for the child. Experiment with zig-zagged edges if the child has mastered holding a standard scissor.
This is an adapted scissor I use with my son. It rests upright on the table, and he must press the top pallet down. We do this hand-over-hand (with consent) at the moment, but this is a pair of scissors he’ll likely be able to use independently one day.
These are a variety of glues and glue bottles. The smallest is very easy to manipulate, even if it’s fabric glue. The all-purpose bottle is softer than the school glue and can be squeezed easily. The twist glue is flatter, making it relatively easy to hold as well. If the child insists on mouthing glue, consider double-sided tape. An adult might need to tear and remove the strip on the tape pieces, but it offers a sticking option that makes pasting a success for some children.
Pictured behind the scissors are traditional school (white glue) and a glue stick. Glue sticks come in a variety of sizes. You might want to start with the widest held in a fist first.
When purchasing stick glue, consider buying the colored kind. The child can see what’s going on the paper and get a different sensory experience. My son loves this glue stick because it glides and marks at the same time. It eventually disappears, so be sure to stick quickly!
If you worry that the child will mouth liquid glue, make some homemade glue instead:
Heat through until thickened. Let cool before use.
What tips and tricks can you share regarding cutting and pasting?
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Excellent post once again!
For a child who is not too aversive to touching playdough, cutting playdough with scissors can strengthen the hands and give sensory feedback a piece of paper or construction paper can’t.
I found for my son that cutting through a thicker piece of paper was easier, as a thicker piece of paper is less wobbly.
Probably the cut, cut, STOP routine would have helped my child stop cutting on command. As my son will continue cutting straight through, his occupational therapist used sticky tack to indicate when it was time to stop cutting.
Only disadvantage: my little fellow learned in no time that he could cut around the sticky tack… At this point, we created a whole line of sticky tack for him to really get the idea to not cut through the whole length of the sheet.
I am so glad you mentioned the thickness of the paper. That’s a great point when first learning to cut, and hold the sheet at the same time. I can see how the “crunch” sound of a thicker paper (like cardstock) provides sensory feedback as well.
I love that your son learned to cut around the sticky tack! And, that’s such a neat trick, by the way – using it as a stopping point. Brilliant!